Thursday, February 17, 2011

Great Lakes Conway's Irish Ale

If I had to pick out one brewery that really got me into craft beers, and one that I compare all other breweries to, it's Great Lakes. Maybe it's because it's the only craft brewery readily available around here. Maybe it's because their sampler introduced me to both porters and IPAs. I will always have a soft spot in my heart and Great Lakes. Conway's Irish Ale is another winner! Crisp dark orange color with a tight white head. There's nothing overpowering in this, and that's why I like it. It just tastes good! If you really want to search for flavors, you'll get some bread, a little bit of roast, maybe a hint of apple (but not sour) at the end with a dry finish. It's one of those I don't really want to get too technical on in the review other than to say "Try it. You'll like it." Give me a 6 (or 12) of this on March 17th. I'll leave the green stuff alone!

Grade: A

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