Sunday, January 9, 2011

Great Lakes Christmas Ale

Happy New Year! Of course, I do realize it's been a long time since I've posted. But fighting two bouts of bronchitis in a month, numerous holiday get togethers, and work, I haven't had much time.

Even though the season has past, I want to write about Great Lakes Christmas Ale. Here in Ohio, and especially in Cleveland, Christmas Ale is a seasonal delicacy. It's something people stock up on the moment they see it because they know it won't last. I posted an article recently that even showed in November, Christmas Ale outsold a 24 pack of Bud Light by more than 3 times!

This is the beer that first turned me on to holiday spiced ales, which is what my current batch of home brew is. It's elusive, you've got to pick it up when you see it because it likely won't be back. Even in a craft-beer-fearing-town such as this. Of course, it is with good reason. It smells of honey and spice and pours a deep orange, almost copper. It tastes of cinnamon, ginger, allspice, with a subtle honey finish. And at 7.5% ABV, it's holiday cheer in a bottle! Without a doubt, one of my favorite beers and I can't wait until next holiday season for it.

And thanks to my friend Liz for both the last 6 pack of the season and the gorgeous glass!

Grade: A+

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