Friday, March 4, 2011

Trappistes Rochefort 10

An authentic Belgian Abbey Ale, this particular Abbey has been brewing since the 16th Century. Pretty interesting read about it here.

There are three versions of the Rochefort, 6, 8, and 10. I'm lucky enough to have the 10. My beer guy told me it was the best beer in the world. Will it stand up to the claim?

Pours a very sticky mahogany with a creamy tan head. Big, sweet malt with dark fruits in the nose. The taste is very complex. Butterscotch, sweet malt, dark fruits, a peppery and alcohol bite in the very dry finish. It's huge, smooth, and incredibly complex. I do get some of the 11.3% ABV, but not as much as expected.

The first time I had this, it was cloyingly sweet. It's still rather sweet this time, but not nearly as intrusive.

This is not a beer to chug, it's one to savor and try to figure out.

I don't know if I'd go with "best beer ever", but it's quite good and undeniably unique. A must try.

Grade: A+

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