Sunday, June 5, 2011

Bell's Oberon Ale

The run of summer seasonals continues with Bell's Oberon Ale. Pours a very light and hazy yellow with a sizeable head and great lacing.

The first sip is surprising because there is more body and flavor than expected. There's some grass, some malt, and a bit of spicy hops. Even though there is some wheat malt in this, it doesn't taste like most wheat beers. A hint of orange and sour lemon in the finish.

It's not as light and crisp as most summer seasonals, and it doesn't have the right flavor for someone looking for a wheat beer.

Oberon isn't bad, but there's nothing really happening here that will make me want to have it again.

Grade: C

And if you are the curious sort, like me, here's who Oberon is.

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